About the Journal

  1. Journal Title : JSER Journal of Social And Education Research
  2. Initials : jser
  3. Frequency : February, June, September,December
  4. Print ISSN : XXXX-XXXX
  5. Online ISSN : 3021-8977
  6. Editor in Chief : Muammar Qadafi, M.Pd

JSER Journal of Social And Education Research, published by PT. LARPA JAYA PUBLISHER. It is a biannual refereed publication that focuses on community engagement methods and practice. It offers a platform for academics, practitioners, and community leaders to discuss problems and consider best practices in relation to the broad spectrum of engaged activity. This peer-reviewed online journal is devoted to publishing high-quality research with a particular focus on research and implementation.

JSER Journal of Social And Education Research will be the journal covers a wide range of educational and learning-related topics, such as child development, curriculum, reading comprehension, educational philosophies, STEM education, instructional technology, technology education, inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, problem-based learning, simulation-based learning, pedagogic and educational approaches, learning management, language teaching researches, and teaching and learning at all levels of school.

JSER Journal of Social And Education Research, already has a DOI and is a recognized Crossreff member. The PT. LARPA JAYA PUBLISHER publishes this journal, which is published bi-monthly (February, June, September).